Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Seventeen prayers

Hello everyone! I'm excited to tell you that I've got nice greetings on my birthday and I'm so speechless when I know that a lot of people cares about me. So where is the evidence

This is it! 
( Find me on October 16th 1996...
17 years ago! )

But I'm sorry if I post this greetings just now, actually my birthday has passed. 
I try to be punctual person but I'm always late xoxo...

Check this out!

of course from Canadian; Mongoloid girl  -(Rizky Amallia)
thanks sweety ! I always remember you :p

the most special I think...hehe :)
from afgod's link 

uuh... you too honey! thankyouu :)
from little girl ups xD 

haphaap! so adorable dear... 
merci bonnie{} 

I know it's so late but no problem!
I just hope your greeting to be here...
of course on my blog honey :p
thanks for praying Rah!

 Sintya, kak Maya, kak Tia, kak Tere
Terimakasih doanya kakak-kakak :) hopefully it comes true.
may God bless you too. Amen.

Hyaah! can I fly now? thanks Winda! 
I believe that she's not a liar hehe... 

Xièxiè Nathasya Miranda gū měixiá ! for the photo :p

mauliate Eda! nice prayer dek :)
God bless you all

from mbaksiss
walaupun ini membutuhkan proses yang lama,
tapi ttp aku posting nih mbak :p

anyway, thanks Dyah Rahayu Ratyaningsih!
 walaupun telat dan dengan setengah hati-_-"

from the captious woman ugh-_-

sederhana itu bahagia...
thanks Tien-..- *hematenergi*

and the Last greeting to be continued.

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