Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

What is an Urbanization ?

A. What is an Urbanization ?
Urbanization is the increasing number of people that migrate from rural to urban areas. It predominantly results in the physical growth of urban areas, be it horizontal or vertical.
Urbanization is closely linked to modernization, industrialization, and the sociological process of rationalization. Urbanization can describe a specific condition at a set time, i.e. the proportion of total population or area in cities or towns, or the term can describe the increase of this proportion over time. So the term urbanization can represent the level of urban development relative to overall population, or it can represent the rate at which the urban proportion is increasing.
Urbanization is not merely a modern phenomenon, but a rapid and historic transformation of human social roots on a global scale, where by predominantly rural culture is being rapidly replaced by predominantly urban culture. Village culture is characterized by common bloodlines, intimate relationships, and communal behavior whereas urban culture is characterized by distant bloodlines, unfamiliar relations, and competitive behavior. This unprecedented movement of people is forecast to continue and intensify in the next few decades, mushrooming cities to sizes incomprehensible only a century ago. Indeed, today, in Asia the urban agglomerations of Dhaka, Karachi, Jakarta, Mumbai, Delhi, Manila, Seoul and Beijing are each already home to over 20 million people, while the Pearl River Delta, Shanghai-Suzhou and Tokyo are forecast to approach or exceed 40 million people each within the coming decade. Outside Asia,  Mexico City, Sao Paulo, New York City, Lagos and Cairo are fast approaching being, or are already, home to over 20 million people.
Urbanization occurs as individual, commercial, social and governmental efforts reduce time and expense in commuting and transportation and improve opportunities for jobs, education, housing, and transportation.
Living in cities permits the advantages of the opportunities of proximity, diversity, and marketplace competition. Cities are known to be places where money, services, wealth and opportunities are centralized.
Businesses, which provide jobs and exchange capital are more concentrated in urban areas. In rural areas, often on small family farms or collective farms in villages, it has traditionally been difficult to access manufactured goods, though overall quality of life is very subjective, and may certainly surpass that of the city. Driven by the rapid growth of urban population in developing countries, the world had become more urban than rural by 2007. This trend is expected to continue in the years ahead. While the urbanization of the world’s population has been accompanied by an “urbanization of global poverty” (Ravallion et al., 2007), poverty continues to be overwhelmingly concentrated in rural areas. According to the World Development Indicators, almost two third of the poor globally are still rural. Thus understanding the implications of urban growth for rural poverty in developing countries is crucial for any global poverty reduction strategy. 

B. Contra Statements
    To decrease the urbanization level, the movement of people from rural to urban isn’t the problem. There are no used to strictly control it because they are move to urban for reasons. What we should control is the reasons that makes they’re move not their movement. The reasons that we should control are:
1.      Poverty
As we know, poverty is a  real major concern of development in Indonesia. Furthermore after the economic crisis in 1997. According to Komite Penanggulangan Kemiskinan, 2004, Past and recent data on poverty shows that rural areas as the place where the poorest people are. In 2000, out of 38.7 million people identified as poor, 26.4 million live in rural areas. With population density in Java that is several times of other islands in Indonesia, we can assume the majority of poor people in Java live in rural areas. And official data support this assumption that 13 out of over 21 million poor in Java live in rural areas. So that’s why they have to move to urban areas as the pattern of urbanization.  If the ratio number of poverty could be handled then the movement of people from rural to urban could be decreased. One of many ways to control the poverty by reduces the use of chemical fertilizer. Using chemical fertilizer will descend the land function. It will affect the product from the land too which pointed to poverty. That’s why the rural villagers should be told about that so they can forestall the poverty.
2.      Natural Disaster
In some developing countries such as Ethiopia, there are many complex problems like famine (in the 1980s), drought, and flooding. As in Bangladesh, were people are becoming climate change refugees and having to move to Dhaka.  As in Darfur at the moment, there is a civil war. This situation caused people to migrate to an area with higher survival ratio.
      The natural disasters are sometimes too big for villagers to handle. For examples is drought. Drought brings a dead end to natural resource which is supply villagers life. It causes the lack of food and water. The heat of the weather drains villagers strength which is reduces the quality of activities. In cases it makes people in rural area unusable. This situation left no choices than to migrate to another area with better survival ratio like urban.
       To decrease the urbanization level, the government should consider natural disaster factor. There are many ways to anticipate the natural disaster. That’s why the government should socializations the way to anticipate and forestall the natural disaster. If the villagers know how to survive from natural disaster, it will reduce the urbanization number.
3.      Vocation
In a New York Times article concerning the acute migration away from farming in Thailand, life as a farmer was described as "hot and exhausting." Everyone says the farmer works the hardest but gets the least amount of money. People migrated from rural areas (due to the mechanisation in farming) to urban areas where there was employment in the new factories, so they can get some employment in urban areas.
Urbanization is related to the available of job demand. It is related to quantity of job, quantity of salary and quality of job. To reduce the urbanization the quality jobs should be available in rural area. That’s why the rural should be developed but still in rural base.
4.      Infrastructure
In urban areas, there is a chance of a better access to education and services, a higher standard of living, to get better access to medical care.  So to decrease the urbanization level the infrastructure in rural area should be developed.
First is the education aspect. To raise education aspect in rural, could be done by rise the quantity of vocational education in high school. This will really help fostering the education participant’s talent which is characterized by practical. Besides that, the fostering of this aspect could create businessman soul which will help in creating the job demand in rural.
Second is accessibility aspect. There are many rural with bad accessibility whereas it’s really important. The accessibility has the function to transport. Transport in this case includes economy activity like services and goods distribution. Through the development of street, bridge and telecommunication, the potential of rural area will be optimized.  The existence of access itself also creates traction for government and privates to become miter and fostering special quality of that rural.
Third is the empowerment of rural potential like agribusiness and tourism. The potential of agribusiness in rural could be done by fostering and marketing which is more selling. If success, the job demand will be available on its own. It goes the same way for tourism.

C. Rural Development to Downsize Urbanization Level
In the developing country, regional planning would deal mostly with rural areas than to urban areas since resource frontier and transitional regions are pre-dominating the area than would other classifications. Therefore, regional planning is identical with rural development. One social objective that  must be met is the poverty alleviation of rural populace. To alleviate poverty, the rural area should be developed. But the development should still maintain the rural itself (development with rural based). That’s why, to reduce the number of urbanization, we have to start from the rural.

Anonim. Urbanization. dalam diakses pada Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014.
______. Urbanisation. dalam diakses pada Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014.
Kusumawardani, Anggi. 2010. Upaya Penanganan Urbanisasi. dalam diakses Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014.
Salim, Wilmar. 2005. Urban Development and Rural Poverty in Java: A Challenge for Decentralized Local Governments.Departemen Teknik Planologi, ITB. Volume 16, No. 2.

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

Tips for Writing Your First Novel

I hope you enjoy this tips for writing your first novel and don’t forget to write your book!
Maybe you’ve always dreamed of writing but never thought you had the talent. Maybe you’ve started a few stories already only to find yourself three chapters in with no idea what to do next. You’re not alone. Until a few years ago I didn’t think I could ever write a book. I certainly didn’t think I’d write something that would be read by hundreds of thousands of people on Wattpad, and reach the #1 spot in its category.
I may be only at the beginning of my writing life, but I’ve picked up a few things that might help you if you’re thinking of setting out on your own literary journey.
A lot of these types of blog posts boil down to the same few tips that are repeated in every corner of the internet, but hopefully, you’ll find one or two things a bit different on this list.

1. Embrace schizophreni
To write convincing characters, the heart of any good story, you need to know them inside-out, to the point that you can carry on unscripted conversations between them in your head. Don’t concern yourself too much with what they look like, aside from any key traits that might affect their personality, but get to know their voice.

Write letters or journal entries from their point of view. Know their dreams; their insecurities; their phobias and especially their flaws. Know what they want at the beginning of the story and how they plan on going about getting it. Do this not only for your main character but secondary characters, too. If you know them well enough, they’ll react naturally (but often surprisingly) to any situation you throw at them.

2. Read Widely
Maybe you’re set on writing YA Fantasy, but that shouldn’t mean you limit yourself to only reading YA Fantasy. Yes, it’s important to keep up with what’s happening in your genre, but if you close your ears to new voices and experiences, you’ll never develop an original voice of your own. As a new writer, think of yourself as a farmer tending a field. At first it’s new and exciting. You plant the seed of an idea and rejoice as it begins to sprout. But you quickly realize your field is surrounded by fences. You want to expand, but the fences hold you back in every direction, and soon the crop begins to wither. Reading is how you move those fences and give yourself room to grow. My advice is to read the classics above all else – to stand on the shoulders of giants, as they say. Hemingway, Austen, and Dickens will each give you acres of fertile land to sow. Tolstoy and Melville will clear a path to the horizon and beyond. Faulkner and Joyce will teach you how to cultivate ground that to most would seem impassable, while the likes of Tolkien and Asimov will take you to new lands entirely. Reading the classics as well as contemporary fiction will show you what’s been done, what’s possible, and will give you the space and the confidence to try something new.

3. Write poetry
I’m sure I’ll meet some argument on this one, but it’s my firm belief that nobody can write great prose without an appreciation of poetry. Poetry challenges your brain to rearrange each line again and again to achieve its greatest clarity and effect. It teaches you to listen to the rhythm of the words as one sentence flows into the next, how a simple pause can heighten tension, how the choice between two words that have the same meaning can dramatically change the outcome.
Writing poetry is a great way to warm up and stretch your vocabulary before a writing session. It doesn’t have to be something publishable, or even especially meaningful. Maybe you delete it immediately afterward and it’s never seen by another human being, but in my opinion there’s no better way to bring your writing to life than to read and write a little poetry.

4. To plot or not to plot
That is one of the biggest questions among new writers. Do you plan out the story in advance, and if you do, how much detail should you go into? For me, the answer is very minimal plotting, but it really depends on your genre and the sort of story you’re telling. Something like a murder mystery, with multiple suspects, alibis to keep track of, and red herrings swimming around, may need to be plotted extremely carefully so that all the clues come together in just the right way. However, I find that if I put all my energy into planning the story, and I know exactly what’s going to happen and when there’s no enjoyment left in writing it. I need to be surprised as I go. I need to write my characters into a corner, with no clear way out, and then puzzle over it for hours or days as I try to think of a way to pull them through it. I find this produces the most exciting and unexpected twists and turns in a story.
If you’re writing speculative fiction, you will need to do some planning before you begin writing, but I think the most effective way to spend your time is to concentrate on world building and character development, and let the plot take care of itself for the most part. If you’ve created a rich, living, breathing world, and well-rounded characters with a purpose, turn them loose on that world and see what happens.

5. Start with a bang
Please, I beg you, don’t begin with your main character waking up and going about a typical day at school before you get to the interesting stuff. Readers these days have a lot of other things competing for their attention so if you don’t hook them within the first few pages (if not the first few lines!) you will have lost them forever.
Another danger among new writers, especially those of fantasy and science fiction, is the urge to dump all their meticulously planned world building on the reader in the first chapter. Don’t underestimate your audience. They don’t need to understand everything in the beginning. Let them see the world through the eyes of your character in a realistic way. If you’ve created an interesting character and world, they’ll stick with you to uncover the secrets and mysteries little by little.

6. Come to your senses
A lot of writers imagine their story playing out as a movie in their heads (or perhaps these days it’s an HBO or Netflix series), and so they’re very in touch with how a scene might look and sound. But don’t forget that books are a very different medium. If your writing is good enough you can get inside a reader’s head in a way that makes movies jealous, and you can tap into all of their senses. Smell, taste, and touch are all open to you to help immerse your reader in the story. Let us feel the weight of iron shackles around our wrists, and the heat on our downturned faces as we pass each torch that lights the corridor. Let us hear the echo of screams and the rattle of chains through the stone walls, and breathe the stale air that’s so thick with ancient rust and the stench of rats that it seeps down our throats and spreads over the roofs of our mouths until we taste it
You get the idea! Just remember that, like all things, you can overdo it. Keep it relevant to your character and their frame of mind.

7. Write bravely
My last and most important piece of advice is to write without fear. Understand that all rules are merely conventions, and they can and should be bent, broken and twisted to serve your story. Be unexpected. I mean this not just in terms of the plot, but with your writing style, too. Take a chance. Experiment. Stand out. Think a scene would be better without any punctuation? Go for it. Deliberate spelling or grammatical errors in a scene from the point of view of someone mentally handicapped? Why not? Repetition of a word, sentence or idea? Who’s going to stop you?
Readers will forgive almost anything as long as you keep them entertained, so don’t be afraid of making ‘mistakes’.

From Wattpadres author Josh Townley

Source : Farah Oomerbhoy -

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Freezing Time

"Define yourself, don't let others define you !"

Beberapa minggu terakhir dalam tulisan di blog saya, sering kali tercantum “Artikel di atas diikutkan dalam lomba…” pada bagian penutup. Yeah! Kurang lebih 6-7 minggu libur semester, saya sengaja menyibukkan diri dengan mengikuti berbagai macam lomba. Itung-itung biar nggak kaku lagi kalo disuruh nulis, eh ngetik wkwk. Lombanya macam-macam, dari mulai ngerjain cuman 2 hari menjelang deadline, atau seminggu yang ujung-ujungnya dikerjain pas dekat deadline, bahkan sampai h-5jam menuju deadline wahaha-_- Ketahuilah bahwa saya adalah deadliner yang sejatinya selalu deg-deg ser kalo nulis mendekati waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Saya pernah dengar Bung Bob Marley bilang dalam lagunya, “If you are a big tree, we are a small axe, sharp and ready, ready to cut you down”. Anggaplah saya a big tree, serem nggak sih kalo beneran ada yang cut me down ? Mbuh, bagi saya itu serem. Jadi, saya pengin lebih siap sedia sebelum nanti ada penyesalan (?) walaupun ujung-ujungnya nggak semua tulisan menang hehe. Tapi jangan salah mengira, menulis bukan berarti saya nggak kerasan di rumah, justru karena hawa rumah yang nyaman bikin semangat nulis jadi menyala-nyala #eaaa
Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
I’ve to go home~

Bosan dengan nulis yang sok-produktif ini, saya putuskan untuk hijrah ke tempat kakak dan abang, merehatkan pikiran dengan liburan yang tinggal sedikit plus nyolong 2 hari kuliah Haha ! Karena sekeren apapun kesibukanmu, ada hal yang lebih keren untuk kau lakukan, ialah liburan yang akan menyulap otak agar lebih anyar huehehe. Jika pikiran sudah baru, maka kau siap menghadapi hari baru ! Ye kan? :p

Nah, saatnya freezing time ! 5 hari di Bintaro cukup mendekatkan saya pada ibu kota, mengenalnya secara nyata. Nadi Indonesia ada di sana, jika ada takdir penuaan, maka Jakarta takkan pernah tua dengan segala masalahnya. Penumpang KRL setiap detiknya seakan saling bersabung, berebut ruang yang –ya-ampun-sudahlah. Tak peduli jika posisimu terjepit, yang jelas kau harus tiba di tujuan tepat waktu. Berdiri ? wahaha jelas ini baru pertama kali, jangan takut jatuh jika KRL berhenti mendadak, karena tidak ada ruang bagimu, bung.

Berdesak-desakan bagi saya bukan masalah, toh perjalanan ini juga karena emang mau ke Dufan. Eh udah main nyebut merek aja :D KRL mengantarkan saya pada realita, benar adanya bahwa angin globalisasi yang membilas wajah ibu kota tidak mengubahmu menjadi modern, justru anginnya yang kencang membuat siapa saja terjerembap, bahkan ke lubang lumpur sekalipun ! Miris, ya ?
Satu hal yang saya sadari : hidupmu jauh lebih baik, Nix !

Yak, balik lagi ke cerita liburannya. Pernah naik Hysteria? Halilintar? Cora-cora?  Saya pernah ! Baru aja, Haha. Gimana rasanya ? Pernah merasa posisi jantung udah nggak tahu lagi dimana? Atau nggak sadar lagi yang diliat di depan kita apa? Nah, itu ! Takut ? Wohw, jangan tanya, udah keringat dingin! Tapi cuek aja, gengsi bro kalo diliat ada gerak-gerik nggak jadi naik. Alhasil, teriaklah sejadi-jadinya pas di Halilintar, merem sepanjang haluan wkwk.
Ini waktu di Cora-cora
Saya yang mana? Jelas diblur dong wakaka! >,<
Mau tahu kenapa saya memberanikan diri ? Padahal posisinya saya takut ketinggian. Yak, keluar dari zona nyaman ! Karena kegagalan terbesar seseorang adalah ia yang tidak berani mengambil risiko. FYI, saya adalah one of person yang nggak berani keluar dari lingkaran itu. Tahukah kamu, jika mencoba hal baru ada persentasenya? Yes, 50 % gagal dan 50 % berhasil.  Tapi, gimana untuk mereka yang sama sekali tidak mencoba? 100 % gagal, bung. Jangan takut pada ketidakpastian, karena dengan menerkanya, kamu akan selangkah lebih berani dari orang lain. Eaaa bijak edisi mendekati hari kuliah-_-
Dan, ya! Saya 50 % berhasil mengalahkan rasa takut ! hahaha.

Si abang yang flat terus - saya - Kak Tia
Muka jelek mana muka jelek?
Ini waktu di Taman Mini naik gondola. Eh belum cerita ya?
Adakah waktu yang lebih bahagia dari ini? Eaa
Tau Aeromovel? Nah itu jalurnya :D
And the last : cerita TMII yang belum sempat ditulis

There are many lessons I learned, Are you ? :)
#Tulisan ini tidak diikutkan dalam lomba manapun-_-

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